White Terror in the South

"One Vote Less" - political cartoon from Harper's Weekly, Aug. 8, 1868, page 512

“One Vote Less” – political cartoon from Harper’s Weekly, Aug. 8, 1868, p. 512

These four questions by Hector Gonzalez deal with the PDF excerpt we read from Eric Foner’s Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877 on the period of white terror in the South during Reconstruction. Please respond to one of the questions with a comment of at least one paragraph.

  • What were the goals of such terror organization like the Ku Klux Klan  and the White Brotherhood? How did they counteract reconstruction and “regulate blacks status in society”? Which group of whites accounted for the majority of the organization’s members? 
  • Who were the “impudent blacks” and what did they demand? According to Foner, what could grant blacks the rights and freedoms they so desperately yearned for? What did Northerners mean when they advised Southern Republicans to “Put on your iron gloves”?
  • How did members of Southern white society foster and support Klan ideals and actions? Why didn’t freedmen retaliate against oppression and violence from the Klan?
  • What were some of the  specific reason why the K.K.K terrorized freed blacks in the South? Which blacks were deemed the most “offensive” by the Klan? Which methods did the K.K.K use to terrorize them?

8 thoughts on “White Terror in the South

  1. What were some of the specific reason why the K.K.K terrorized freed blacks in the South? Which blacks were deemed the most “offensive” by the Klan? Which methods did the K.K.K use to terrorize them?

    The K.K.K was a bunch of low self esteem having Punks and still are they didn’t black to get educated and feel equal or own things or have the right to vote.The blacks that were deemed Offensive were those who wanted their equal rights and wanted to educate themselves.The K.K.K used methods such as:cross burning,lynching,and beatings to intimidates black who want equal rights.
    the K.K.K were punks than and are punks now If they really thoughts black were inferior mentally or academically, they would have allowed blacks to get educated and measure their level of education to the blacks.Until the black population gets equal access to educations and financial opportunities the popular notions that blacks are mentally inferior is not valid.

  2. #4What were some of the specific reason why the K.K.K terrorized freed blacks in the South? Which blacks were deemed the most “offensive” by the Klan? Which methods did the K.K.K use to terrorize them?

    The K.K.K was a group by people who belive that white men were the best and wanted to see black people remaining slaves. They also believe black salves should not have the freedom and equal rights as white men. The main purpose was to promote a white supremacist.
    In the southern sates of the U.S, this organization of white men who use violence to secret and oust the free slaves of their equal rights. The K.K.K did a lot of horrible thing to the free slaves, they had burned crosses outside of the black people’s house, and they also were subjected to torture, torment, beating. They may died under torture. It was the large number of outrages on women for the safety.

  3. Question 1:
    The Ku Klux Klan were an organization that used terror and intimidation to prevent blacks from getting any type of power. As restoration started to define freed slaves status in society, elite white members found this to be threatening. Unlike may have explained, members of the Ku Klux Klan were not poor white southerners. They were rich white men with respectable roles in society that were key members in the klan. And them seeing that freed blacks could attain the level of status that they had led them to using such tactics like terror and violence.

  4. 1. The Ku Klux Klan was a group of people that believed that there race was inferior. There goals was to keep there race dominate and pure. They believed that blacks were ‘suppose’ to remain slaves. They had political goals and wanted to affect power public and private relations in the south. They were highly against the changes occurring in the south during the reconstruction period. There main goals was to destroy the infrastructure of the Republican parties and establish control over the black labor force.
    They brought terror by force, murders and beatings to blacks trying to rise or any other race that assisted blacks in any type of life improvements. They spared no one and brought terror and violence to men woman and children.

  5. Question #1

    The KKK, in it’s first incarnation, was founded by former confederate soldiers in the interest of stifling the freedoms of freedmen and their allies and “fighting” for the “supremacy of the white race”. Employing terror tactics, the Klan sought to extinguish solidarity within the black population, as well as support from those who were deemed allies, such as Republicans.

    ‘Carpetbagger’ Republicans garnered support from black voters due to their views regarding the emancipation. Members of the KKK would threaten, and in some cases, kill those opposed in quite horrifically public ways. The display of hanged victims of the Klan was commonplace in some parts of the south.

  6. Question #1:
    What were the goals of such terror organization like the Ku Klux Klan and the White Brotherhood? How did they counteract reconstruction and “regulate blacks status in society”? Which group of whites accounted for the majority of the organization’s members?

    The ultimate goals of terror groups like the KKK and the White Brotherhood were to terrorize blacks into not exercising the liberties and rights granted to them bib the 13th through 15 amendment. Members of the KKK viewed the new freely blacks as foes, who needed to be contained, and in extreme cases exterminated from the white population in the south. There were multiple tactics used by the terror groups to “regulate blacks status in society”, most often lynching took was used as an extreme method of enabling the blacks from voting and acquiring any sense of political representation. Often terror groups would burn down houses, threatened families and verbally ostracize blacks who showed any proof of social vitality. The population of of the terror groups was predominately made up of poor farmers and whites, who were threatened by how cheapness of black labor and farming. However, there were affluent white aristocracy in the terror groups, who were infuriated by the emancipation of the blacks by Lincoln.

  7. Q1: What were the goals of such terror organization like the Ku Klux Klan and the White Brotherhood? How did they counteract reconstruction and “regulate blacks status in society”? Which group of whites accounted for the majority of the organization’s members?

    The Ku Klux Klan and White Brotherhood were very similar organizations that were founded by wealthy white men. Their goals were to terrorize the black community that were just given equal rights due to the passings of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. The KKK regulated black status in society by hosting lynch groups and inserting this fear into them, showing them they are not equal. The rich and wealthy were the ones that participated along with the KKK lynches and events.

  8. Question 1 – Black reconstruction became counteracted mainly by the groups known as the Ku Klux Klan and the White Brotherhood. These groups formed from being unhappy with the decisions of the 13th and 14th amendments.The goals of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Brotherhood were to reinforce white supremacist rules and values. This included terrorizing other non-white communities, mainly blacks, so that their civil rights could not be exercised. These acts of terror included lynchings, burnings, physical violence, and interrupting black labor forces. Blacks became denied of exercising their civil rights and were afraid to retaliate against these bigoted groups.

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